Rutiga Familjen hos elever som upplever svårigheter i matematik

bild artikelTill EC-TEL konferensen 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, i Barcelona, Spanien, publicerades följande artikel 2010: The Complexity of Integrating Technology Enhanced Learning in Special Math Education: a Case Study (eftersom artikeln publiceras internationellt, är den på engelska.)
Abstrakt: We present a study of integrating an educational game in special math education, to explore challenges faced during the process. The game promotes an unconventional approach supporting students having math difficulties, through visual representations, learn-by-exploration and learn-by-teaching models. Our conclusion is that integration in special education is more challenging than in the main stream counterpart, due to social vulnerability of the students, learning/teaching challenges in content, motivation and attitude, a non-typical learning situation, and the challenge of matching learning peers. » Läs mer


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