Rutiga Familjen för elever med dyskalkuli

bild artikelTill ACM SIGACCESS konferensen Conference on Computers and Accessibility in Baltimore, USA, presenterade Lena Pareto följande artikel 2005: Graphical Arithmetic for Learners with Dyscalculia (eftersom artikeln publiceras internationellt, är den på engelska.) Abstrakt: We propose a model for arithmetic, based on graphical representations, to complement the symbolic language of mathematics. The focus is conceptual understanding of arithmetic. We argue that the graphical model supports understanding concepts known to be difficult for learners with dyscalculia, such as number-sense and decimal system. The proposed graphical representation share properties of the decimal system, but is closer to the semantic representation of numbers vital to the number-sense. The model is evaluated with school-children, but needs to be further tested by learners with dyscalculia. » Läs mer


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