Rutiga Familjen för elever med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar och behov av särskilt stöd

bild artikelTill ICDVRAT konferensen, 9th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, in Laval, France, presenterade Lena Pareto följande artikel september 2012: Mathematical Literacy for everyone using Arithmetic Games (eftersom artikeln publiceras internationellt, är den på engelska).
Abstrakt: An innovative mathematics game shown to be effective for low-achieving mainstream students is tested in special education for learners with intellectual disabilities. The game relies on a graphical, intuitive representation for numbers and arithmetic operations to foster conceptual understanding and numbers sense, and provides a set of 2-player games to develop strategic thinking and reasoning skills. The game runs on computers and interactive white boards, and as an augmented reality application at a science centre. We compare its use in special education and mainstream education with respect to usage, performance levels and learning gain. The game has been used by teachers in special educations, with gains in mathematical understanding, strategic thinking and communication skills as effects. » För närvarande är endast abstraktet publicerat. Artikeln publiceras online den 15:e mars 2013 i ICDVRAT:s arkiv.
Ta del av Lena Paretos presentation: Mathematical Literacy for everyone using Arithmetic Games


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